Eyebrow Tattoo Taboo
As I grow in my business and my experience I come across many questions and debates on whether microblading is a tattoo and if it is semi-permanent. Now, I am going to tread lightly on this subject because you will get MANY different opinions on what is what.

So, think back about 10-20 years and you see an older woman with deep blue/grey/red eyebrows and we think “Oh heck no, never ever will I get that!” THESE are the brows that have given microblading a bad name. These are the brows that constant people come in asking to correct. These ARE NOT the brows that microblading will give you. We must remember, as time has progressed so has technique, color theories, ink, and tools.
The difference between microblading is that we use a hand-held tool to insert pigment into the skin to mimic a hair stroke of the eyebrow. Micropigmentation is what you would see done with a machine. It is important to know machine work isn’t horrible, you just need to make sure you have the right artist that knows what they are doing.
So, the biggest question... is microblading semi-permanent? Good grief you will see so many debates about this. As semi-permanent I think we have pre-conceived notion that eventually it will all disappear. This is WRONG. Microblading or any type of cosmetic tattoo will always have lingering affect. Now, does this mean that come 1-2 years from now it won’t be extremely faded? Yes, but the fact that it was there will still be visible.
When we use the word eyebrow tattoo I cringe, because I really don’t want people to think I give people those horrible brows we all think of. Whatever you want to call it: tattoo, microblading, permanent make-up, or micropigmentation, make sure you research what you are looking for. 😊
affect. Now, does this mean that come 1-2 years from now it won’t be extremely faded? Yes, but the fact that it was there will still be visible.
When we use the word eyebrow tattoo I cringe, because I really don’t want people to think I give people those horrible brows we all think of. Whatever you want to call it: tattoo, microblading, permanent make-up, or micropigmentation, make sure you research what you are looking for. 😊